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Semalt Explains How To Adjust Your SEO Strategy To Specific Niches

There is a big dose of competition in the field of SEO, just search for "SEO" or "content marketing" and you will see millions of results and this includes businesses and people fighting for a shot at visibility. The advantage of serving an unconventional or unique niche is you will have less competition but you will have a smaller audience and resources to help you become successful. What does it take to become successful in unique niches and improve chances of SEO success?

Jack Miller, the Customer Success Manager of Semalt, shares the helpful tips that will make you forge a winning SEO campaign.

Know Your Audience

Before anything else, take time to learn and understand your audience. You can start with basic market research but you will need more to learn your customers' needs, content discovery preferences and habits. This will help you get rid of cliches about how people carry out searches, giving you a shortcut to better material that will make you more relevant to your audience's needs.

Use Long-tail Phrases

The best time to start long-tail keyword research is once you understand how your audience searches for information or products in your niche. Google's Hummingbird and Panda updates have had a negative impact on traditional keywords but long-tail keywords still work for unique niches. Instead of concentrating on keywords that give you more traffic, use long-tail phrases i.e. question and answer format, these are the best for unique niches.

Original Ideas Only

Instead of updating other peoples' ideas, come up with truly original ideas. You can do this through research, and come up with questions that have never been asked before. This will propel you and your brand to greatness.

Find a Space for Off-site Publishers

In order to improve your organic search rankings and domain authority, you need inbound links as much as niche-focused posts. This means that you will need to work along conventional publishers. You can write content that's partially relevant to your forte – but the content should be valuable to the audience of your publisher. This move may require you to make a compromise but the links you'll get will grow your search presence.

Learn From Your Competitors

Instead of trying to compete with those in the same field as you, connect with them and learn what they are doing differently and don't forget to share your insights too. There is no risk here because your niche is small and you'll not be forced out.

Start Small

Since you have no data to work with for your SEO campaign, start small. Use a few keywords at a time and write fresh content before your big launch. This will help you to gather information that will be crucial when you go big.

Get Social

Use social media because it's the best avenue for people to find you. Social media is also the best place to improve your visibility before you concentrate on search rankings. It will also help you connect with influencers, syndicate your content and improve your following.

Create an On-site Community

This can be done through a community forum where your users will connect with each other. This encourages greater loyalty and helps you to come up with new content.

Offer Mainstream Content

To build a better relationship with your conventional publishers, you need to offer some mainstream content. You can do this by splitting your blogs into subsections but don't lose focus on your niche blogs. This will give you a larger audience that will read and share your content.